Maria Hadden
An Independent, Progressive Leader
You elected me as your Alderwoman because you wanted a public servant to represent our ward, not a politician. I’ve devoted my personal and professional life to community building, organizing for change, and good government, and as Alderwoman of the 49th Ward, I’ve been able to draw on that rich experience to benefit our community. I’m seeking your support for a second term to continue working on the projects we’ve started and to build on the successes we’ve had. I’ve kept all of my promises and worked hard to advance our community priorities. Our ward and our city need strong, ethical leaders now, more than ever. It’s been my great honor to serve in City Council this term and I hope to have your support for re-election on February 28, 2023.
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Focus on the 49th Ward
First and foremost, Alderpersons are our constituents' chief advocates for city services, which is why I spent my first 6-8 months in office focused solely on constituent services. New to the role of Alderwoman, I wanted to ensure my staff had sufficient training to handle your service requests and inquiries.
During my first term, the community identified many priorities for me to improve in our Ward and Chicago. More than three years in, my team and I have shown our devotion to putting the 49th Ward first. We continue to work hard to prioritize our Ward's community and needs while simultaneously tackling city-wide legislative efforts.

Preserving low-income and affordable housing and increasing accessible housing will continue to be vital in maintaining the character of our community.
While the national debates on healthcare and gun control continue, we can continue to strengthen the steps we're taking to make our 49th ward community healthier and safer.
Our environment is key to sustainability and community health. We seek climate action, environmental justice, and green solutions for our ward and city.
Work at the local level will continue as we increase the pipeline of diverse resources to support our schools afety, address capital improvement needs, and help our teachers and students continue in-person lessons through the pandemic.
I’ll continue to work to keep dollars in our community and support our local businesses and entrepreneurs by bringing in additional resources.
Maintaining a healthy democracy isn’t just about what decisions we make, but how we make them. Centering marginalized voices and continuing to work on building a more inclusive structure, remains a priority for me.